GAWBLconnect Virtual Meeting Series in cooperation with the SANAD TAF
Our mission

The global challenges presented by the pandemic have proven that it is more important than ever to continue our endeavor to connect and empower women globally.

Resilience, innovation and solidarity are key when adapting to new and unprecedented scenarios. Together we must address these challenges, develop new strategies and strengthen our network. Our commitment is to moving forward, taking this crisis as an opportunity to accelerate our joint efforts in shaping the future together for a sustainable, inclusive and gender balanced tomorrow.


Session I:Financing Women Entrepreneurs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Session II:Diversity & Inclusion: Stepping Back in Times of Corona?
Session III:Women in the Health Sector: Navigating the Pandemic
Session IV:Shaping post-Covis-19: How can the Pandemic be a Catalyst for Progress?
Session V:Impact Stories: Meet Womenpreneur-Initiative
Session VI:Women in Stem: Drivers for Innovation
Session VII:Closing the Gender Gap: Sure, But How To Really Do?
Session VIII:Impact Stories: Meet Women Drivers in the Financial Sector
Session IX:Gender Smart Finance: Why it Matters
Session X:Gender Smart Finance in Action